วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Recipe fermentation Biological crop leaves .

Recipe fermentation Biological crop leaves .
Ingredients include

1 ) live plants and
2) Molasses ratio of 3 : 1 .

How do
     Use plants that look completely fresh, succulent , grows quickly without the disease ( rot) in all parts of the plant were not very many kinds of edible plants and weeds.
Be chopped into small pieces. Or grinding a load of 3 kg of plant debris into the container. And addition of molasses to 1 liter or shake to combine.
      The plant debris submerged in molasses during closed container, stored in the dark. Room temperature for 7 days can be used .
      Practice during fermentation Shake the container with an open top fermented 2 times a day - morning and evening after 7 days, the smell, the taste , the "good" .
Be possible If sour , the "bad " is modified with the addition of molasses. Or of the input first and then fermented for 3 days if it smells sweet , it shows that the " good" if it smells sour , add sugar and then fermented until it smells sweet . Once fermented , then keep it in a dark place at room temperature .
     Stored for 6 months - 1 year of storage, if it smells sour , add sugar to it.

Rate and use of bio-fermentation .
1 ) vegetable garden crops, fruit trees provide a ratio of 15-20 ml / 20 liters of water every 5-7 days , coupled with the roots of 30-50 ml / 20 liters of water every 15 . 20 days
2 ) Prepare a planting soil Or pitted fruit growing proportion of 30-50 ml / 20 liters of water mixed with manure or compost .
3) Use compost instead catalyst ratio of 75-100 ml / 20 liters of water onto the carpet material composting .
4 ) Wastewater ratio of 75-100 ml / 20 liters of water pour over the water or in the yard .
5 ) Increase the percentage of seed germination rate of 15-20 ml / 20 liters of water , soak the seeds for 12 hours before the flood .

      The strains fermented EM 1 part concentrate to 1 part clean water to 10 parts molasses mixture and mix well . Closed container, stored in the dark. At room temperature for 3 days to check it first.

     Tip of fermented malt 3 days after first opening the door to see if there is gas coming out of this . Containing the gas to try to open it. If not, turn the compost container may burst. If you do not use brown sugar has molasses . By increasing the amount of sugar to 1 part red : 1 The use of crop residues fermented roots. Should be used in conjunction with manure or compost it. The manure compost 6 months / time .
For plant leaves Fresh plant samples Formula 1 glory Guangdong spinach , asparagus, tare the balance acacia , Acacia 's sweet Mango 's gooseberry gourd vegetables and fruit. Kigka vine and the Cure and the leaves and fruit , etc .

